Service Notes
Service Title: The Lord’s Prayer
Pastor Chris Teaching:
When Jesus prayed (the Lord’s prayer), He didn’t ask us to say the same prayer
John 17:1-12
God gave Jesus power over everybody
Eternal life is to know the Father, the Only True God
If you don’t have Him (Jesus), you don’t have life
We should never pray for something that we already know what God says about it
You should do His will
For example, you know that God says we should go to church like He said in Hebrews 10:25 so it is wrong to pray ‘Oh God make me got to church, move me to church’
It is unfair to pray that ‘God make me win souls’
Just do it because He’s asked you to reach out and win them
Jesus is very accurate in verse 9
Glory to God!
Do you love Jesus?
Can you say Verse 14 to your congregation?
He didn’t say I have given them my word, but your word because it is the Father’s word
Never forget verse 17
Thy word is truth
Verse 19: that means I am authorised
I am commissioned
There are somethings we just shouldn’t do because of those to whom you minister
What are you doing for the brethren’s sake?
Do you want to be like Jesus?
You already have His nature in your spirit, so it is easy to copy Him
To copy Him you’ve got to look at the scriptures
How did Jesus talk?
What are the things He said?
How did Jesus respond even to His accusers?
What was Jesus like?
I am inspired by His love
I am inspired by His thinking process
I am inspired by Jesus
Verse 20: that includes me
Jesus prayed for me!
He knew I was coming so He prayed for me
Verse 21: they will believe if they see that we are united, have the same mind and we think the same way
That’s wonderful!
Now you can see why satan doesn’t like Christians to be united
Because it causes his kids to follow Christians
He loses so he doesn’t want Christians to be united
Verse 22: not many people know that this is in the Bible
Do you often hear people say don’t take His glory (that’s God doesn’t share His glory with others?)
That’s not what He is talking about
He was referring to the idols, He won’t share His glory with the idols
But you are His child
He gave you His glory- read verse 22 again
Jesus doesn’t mind you sharing His glory; He gave it to you
Verse 23: which means the Father loves me as much as He loves Jesus
He doesn’t love Jesus more than He loves me
And Jesus wants the world to know this!
(Reference reading Hebrews 7:25)
Verse 24: oh, hear Jesus’ prayer
What was Jesus like?
Think like this
Imagine if God answered Jesus’ prayer what would your life be?
If God actually heard Jesus, and answered that prayer, what manner of persons should we be?
1. He did say (reference reading) John 17:23, 2 Corinthians 5:17
John 1:12
He said the glory that you gave me I have given them
Now that you are born again, how does God see you?
Romans 8:28-30
Romans 5:1
So, He is talking about us
What does it mean to be justified?
It means to be declared righteous, acquitted, all the accusations failed
Someone might say we are justified because Jesus took our sins
That would mean the accusations still remain
Romans 4:24-25
We were not justified because He died, we were justified because He was raised from the dead
Because when He was raised from the dead, He was raised as a new creation; 2 Corinthians 5:17
He is a new creation therefore He has no past nor record of sin
I am a new creation
I am not the man that sinned
The man that sinned is dead
I am a new man
2 Corinthians 5:17
Shout hallelujah somebody!
Romans 8:28-30
I am glorified
He is not trying to glorify us, it’s already done
I am glorified
I have His glory in my life
I am full of honour; the dignity that befits a child of God
Kingdom dignity
You can never dishonour me
You can understand why we are full of joy unspeakable and full of glory
When you see men and women living a failed life you feel it because they don’t know about Christ’s salvation
Romans 1:16-17
What does it mean to live by faith?
It means living beyond the outward man
Because faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God
To live by faith therefore means to live from your spirit on the word of the Master
That means living by the word of the Master
Luke 4:4
That is what it is to live by faith
You start developing your spiritual senses
Don’t subject yourself to the fleshly life
You are a new creation
You are a man or a woman of the Spirit
You are different from the world
You are not an ordinary person
He has given you new desires, new dreams
high and lofty dreams of our spiritual Kingdom
you think differently
And the world can understand why you think the way you do
Lift your hands towards heaven
Thank Him for His love
Thank Him for His grace
Altar Call
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