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Service Title: The Call of blessings

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Pastor Chris Teaching:

***Kindly note that all scriptures are in the King James Version (KJV) except otherwise stated***

Ephesians 1:2

one of the things that most Christians don’t understand is the call of blessings

Luke 10:5-6: when you go to a house you speak peace to that house, but that peace will not remain if a son of peace is not there

its important to pronounce blessings on God’s people; it’s got to be done because we are a people of blessing


we say 2 Corinthians 13:14 after services but it goes beyond that; that’s the call of blessings

when you come into Christ, you come into God’s place

it’s a change of life; that new life gives birth to a new lifestyle

you walk in the glory of God

from that moment on everything that will happen in your life happens under the control of heaven because you become a part of heaven even though you are in the earth

your life is from things that are connected with the celestial of God

when you don’t know this, you will be earthly conscious

you will use the reasonings of the flesh, but we are not supposed to use that reasoning.


Christianity is much more than being nice and kind and helpful.

In Christianity, you are connected to the heavenly.

your walk is with the consciousness of the heavenly realm and through you, the kingdom of God operates


can you imagine, if you are the extension of the heavenly how do you get fearful defeated, etc

it is because you have to be taught the things of the heavenly!


the word ‘places’ is in parenthesis in verse 3

what that means is the word places was not in the original manuscripts it was added for emphasis/better understanding of what was in the original.

it refers to that which is heavenly, celestial, heavenly regions, or regions beyond the earth, those celestial regions that control the earth.

that realm is the realm of spirits

now when we talk about spirits people think that we are referring to things that do not exist or we are just making them up.


the spirit is more real than this world

imagine that you created a robot

it may do the things that you want it to do but you are more real than it is.

 the spirit world is more real than this world, it has definite beings

this world is a shadow of the spirit


for example, the bible says you are a copy of God

which means He has one nose, two eyes, two legs

this is important because spiritual beings are not all the same

no two angels are of the same quality or kind; they are not a race


God as a Spirit also has a class of His own

and the description of God is given to us in our image

Our God doesn’t have eyes all around Him like angels with eyes all around them, He looks like us

so, you are a copy of God!

you look like God

close your eyes and say this ‘I look like God’

so next time the devil says to you that you don’t look nice, tell him ‘I look like God!’


how many of you found out someway along the line that you are a male?

you wore your sister's clothes until someone told you that you were a male?

at least when you found out you started walking as one(laughs)


predestination, as taught by God, doesn’t mean everybody has been predestinated to be whatever and they’ve got nothing to do with it

no! that’s not what He teaches about!

predestination requires your corporation and that is why judgement is possible

you don’t have to be what God wants

God’s perfect will doesn’t always materialise

just because its the word of God doesn’t mean it will come to pass

it needs your corporation to come to pass otherwise there will be no judgement

because man has been given the responsibility to not only know God's perfect will but to walk in it and fulfil it


So, when He gets your corporation, He gives you His word

what a life?

That man can know His will and follow His word and bring it to pass!

He makes His power available to you

and when you walk in the will of God nothing is able nor has the power to stop you

And He gave us the Holy Spirit

the Holy Spirit guides us, He leads us in the perfect will of God


oh, don’t let your life be an accident

you know people live their lives according to whatever befalls them.

they say things like ‘we never know’


I am not a victim of a country, no no no, a thousand times no!

Are you a victim?

refuse to be a victim in life!


verse 4 note: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children: the construction here is a little problematic for the KJV

here He is talking about heotesia; an authoritative place of blessing or heritage

it doesn’t mean taking someone’s child to be your own

He is saying He predestinated us unto the rights of sonship

He is saying He is looking beyond what your father or mother gave to you where you become an heir of God and He calls it the predestination.

 He saw it ahead of time and planned it to be so.

how could your life be limited by the company that you work for?

He predestinated me into Christ Jesus

the spirit realm controls the earth realm, and you are supposed to be a player and not a victim of the activities of the heavenly


1 Timothy 6:17

the spiritual controls the material

question will be ‘how much do you control in the realm of the spirit?’

if you can catch this imagine what will happen in your life


never again can anything devalue what is in your life because your value is from the heavenly

verse 5

so, when you say ‘Lord you’ve done great things for me’

He says it’s my pleasure- Gloryy!


verse 6

His place is a glorified place

He is not trying to accept us; He has accepted us

Who is the beloved?

Christ is His BELOVED


verse 5-8 (NIV, MSG)

Romans 12:1-2

God expects a transformation

how many of you know the life of a butterfly?

it starts out as the egg, lava (looks like a caterpillar), pupa, etc

it was not born as a butterfly, there was a transformation

too many want to live like the lava

imagine if you were flying?

from glory to glory!


your mind must be renewed, your way of thinking must be changed else your life will not change, you become older yet the same life.

Christianity is a life of glory!

Glory is not the house you live in, nor the street you live in, nor the clothes you wear

it is the life that is in the inside of you

what can you do?

what change can you effect?

what is inside you?

what comes out of your mouth when you speak?



Altar Call

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