Service Notes
We are preparing for IPPC and some of our brethren have aleqady traveled.
Matthew 16:13(KJV)
Its good to know what people say about you but it is better for you to know yourself
Jesus came as a Saviour, the Messiah, the Christ
He came for the establishment of the Church
He came to deliver man out of death and give man a purpose for living
He was born as the Saviour and so He wanted to know if men knew who he was
A man's life is not different from the purpose for which he is called
As far as you are not fulfilling your purpose you are a waste.
Jesus is the Rock
Everyone of us is a piece of block in God's building
1. Don't get carried away about what people are saying about you.
The moment God reveals your future to you get exited about it and pursue it
It is only your exami er that cam tell you your scripts
It is not how people look at you, it is not what they see you as
Your progress is not determined by them
Your purpose in life is determined by God.
Don't depend on what flesh and blood reveal to you
If you have the keys of the Kingdom, heaven backs you up
Nahum 1:15 TLB
We are in postcovid era
This new year you are entering is going to bring to you great news
There is a saying that time runs fast when you are having a good time but when somebody is suffering a day is like forever
And next year, it's going to be running
You are going to enter into 2022 and you will wish it will never end
I am a child of God
God has a purpose for my being here
I am living to fulfil that purpose
Everything that God called me to do, I am accomplishing it successfully
I am a sucess
Today God has made us saviours to our world
2 corinthians 5:15, verse 19 21 TLB
Who are you living for?
Live for Him
If you are living for Him find out His instructions on hoe He wants you to live
This is not the year you are going to ask what He has for you
If man can be so good, what about your heavenly Father
Its a year that is going to be stress-free
The way that He made you His righteousness, you have now become His righteousness let the world know that God cares about
You have a bigger purpose of being
Why does God bless us
1. He is a blessed, it is His nature to bless. So even though you were not there, He blessed the world because He knew you were coming
God's nature is to bless. So when He gives birth to you, your nature is to bless.
Don't pray because you are afraid, pray because you love prayer