Service Notes
Sunday Service 31/10/2021
Topic: Enjoying the full benefits of the name of Jesus
Foundation School Graduation For Main & Teens Church
Pastor Earnest Addresses Foundation School Graduates:
Assess yourself. The Bible says when you judge yourself, you will not be judged.
Promotion is not what you pray for.
Visualize and see yourself where God has put you.
Let your life be a life of constant pursuit of God’s word.
There are a lot of benefits in the name. God in his infinite love for us, as his children, made all things ready for us to enjoy this life in full. Jesus said he has given us the keys of heaven, so that everyone of us at any point in our lives will never be short on goodness. So that whatever we desire, we can have it.
God does not like it when we're always crying or pleading for us to do something for us. All that he's given to us is more then enough fro us to have the best of life. When you study God's word, find out all he's given and start living by them, you will enjoy all that he wants you to enjoy.
Jesus wants your joy to be full. To be JOYFUL all the time. But sometimes you come to christian gatherings, and their songs are songs of sadness, sorrow and strife. That's not what God wants us to be confessing.
How do we enjoy the benefits of the name of Jesus.
1. You must know the power and authority in the name (Ephesians 1:18-22, Matthew 28:18-19)
Jesus has given you his authority. So you can boldly say "all authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to me." GLORY!!
Jesus said in the Mathew that we should go, because of his authority, unto all nations, using the NAME of the father, the son and the holy spirit. What is that name? It's JESUS. It is the name that is given to the entire Godhead, because the bible says, it pleased the father that in Jesus should all the fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily.
In Ephesians we read that Jesus is set FAR ABOVE all principality, all power, all dominion and every name that is named.
So what are you struggling with? What is it called? The name of Jesus is above, superior and in control.
When you're traveling, the kind of vehicle you have will determine your confidence when you hear the road is very bad. There are some cars that are made for bad roads. No matter what the terrain is, they tell you once the engine is working, you have enough fuel, you are ok. They let you understand that, the gears have been made such that if it ever looks like the vehicle is stuck, there's a gear you can use that all the wheels will be engaged to get you moving.
If a man can do that, look at the authority that God invested in the name of Jesus. He's saying that as you are going on this road of life, no matter how rough or tough it is, there's a power in that name that once you engage it, you can never be disappointed or disadvantaged.
So when they're telling you how terrible things are, you tell them i come in the name of Jesus.
You can never be stranded in life.
Make this confession: "It's impossible for me to be stranded in life. Because I have the name of Jesus."
2. Understand the jurisdiction of the name. (Philippians 2:9-10)
Where does the name work? What are the boundaries of the name?
We see in Philippians that all things bow to the name of Jesus. Whether the things are on the earth, they'll bow. Whether their in heave, they'll bow. Whether the things are under the earth, they'll bow.
It did not say that when you mention the name in heaven, the things in heaven will bow. Or if you mention it on earth, things on earth will bow. No. You can mention the name of Jesus here, and things in heaven, earth and hell will respond to that name.
In Ephesians 1:21, we read that the name is not only legal or powerful in this time, but in the age which is to come. Which means the name has authority now and forever.
You can establish your future in that name and nothing will change it.
3. Who has the authority to use the name. (John 7:38)
He who believes in Jesus. He who received his salvation and is born again has been given the authority to use the name of Jesus.
There are things in life that we're asking him, begging him for, instead of using the authority that he has given to you.
Let's consider a traffic officer on the road. Maybe you are driving on the road, and the officer raises his hand in your direction indicating you to stop. As long as he knows you have seen him, he can just concentrate on another lane. You may still be driving to the intersection but as far as he's concerned, he knows he has stopped you and you know you have to stop.
That's how we're supposed to be. Use that name. It's your authority. What is that thing that looks as if it's coming against you? Say "Stop in the name of Jesus!" And what you want to pass or come to you, tell it "Come in the name of Jesus!" Even if it looks as if the other one is still coming, ignore it, that thing knows what it has to do. GLORYY!!
When you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, not only does he give you authority, he gives you power. You know when you are sent as a policeman, they give you equipment that empowers you. Like a gun, to subdue your opponents. When you speak in the name of Jesus, you are also enacting the power in the name to subdue all things.
4. You must understand how to use the name. (Philippians 2:13)
The name works through you. When the early christians were being persecuted, the bible says they prayed to God that he should stretch forth his hand to heal, so the persecutors would know how powerful he is. But God was waiting for them to stretch forth their hands to heal. For as far as God was concerned, their hands have become His hands. So He had to let them understand that it's not about Him. Is there anything you want to change, you stretch forth your hands.
We must also know that there are different levels of principles that have been given for us to work by. Sometimes there are some things that when we got born again we used to ask God to do. Maybe you're at a bus stop and you're praying "Oh God I need a taxi now" and before you say Amen a taxi comes around. But now you're an older christian and you're praying, but the taxi isn't coming and you're wondering why is not working like it was before? God is saying grow up. The energy you're using to pray for taxi, use it to get your own car. Grow up.
So there are levels we come to that the things you're praying for, God is saying go effect them by yourself. So what kind of changes do you want to make? Must you always go to the Pastor to pray for you? God is waiting for you to go to others and start praying for them.
So will you have this name and still walk as a victim? NO. Refuse to be a victim.
Believe that the name is at work inside you.
Health responds to you.
Finances respond to you.
Increase responds to you.
Joy flows in your hear and spirit.
You are constantly making progress in your life.
All the elements of life respond to you.
Because you come in the power and authority of the name. They know who you are. If they don't know, tell them who you are.
I know who I am. I am strong and mighty. I have the power of God. The power of God is working inside me. I have the name of Jesus. I have all the authority in that name. I function in the authority of that name. Nothing can successfully stand against me. No sickness, disease, infirmity, lack or want can stand against me. I am above all. As the name of Jesus is above all, so also I have been lifted above all. Because I carry the name of Jesus.
Altar Call
If you’ve not yet been Born Again, please scroll to the bottom of this page to give your heart to Jesus Christ.
Kindly download the book “Now that you are born again” after you receive Jesus Christ on this page to enlighten you more about your New Life in Christ.
If you have prayed the Prayer of Salvation at the bottom of this page, Congratulations YOU ARE NOW A CHILD OF GOD
Welcome to God’s family!
Kindly click on the “sow a seed” button at the homepage to sow your seeds.
All your seeds sown are blessed in Jesus mighty Name. Amen