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Service Notes

Your Loveworld Season 4 phase 1 Day 5

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Teaching:


we should be able to recognize God’s prophetic word to us

we are not ordinary people

Remember that! Everyone that is born again is not an ordinary person



Revelation 17:1-10


Woman sitting on many waters


[Pastor talks about the image of the European coin]

What they refer to as Zeus is the Prince of Grecia, he is currently in the abyss

He is possessed by an evil spirit

And that is the spirit that Europe is trying to worship


Europa is sitting on a political structure that has gone through 7 major empires of the world



revelation 11:7-8

how does he do it?

through the anti-Christ


Political Europe is called Babylon


Rev 17:11-18

the woman riding the beast is political Babylon

and the woman sitting on many waters is spiritual Babylon which is also referred to as a city



the day will come that the political structure they are setting up, that is the council for inclusive capitalism with the Vatican is a direct fulfilment of scripture before your very eyes


Europe is sitting on all the various political structure that has been built

so, when we talk about today’s civilization, it is all built on history


Rome will be destroyed

not the city of Rome

the Church that will metamorphose into a one-world church


Rev 18:1-5

Spiritual Babylon will be destroyed, that is the Church of Rome


Council for inclusive capitalism, their purpose is to set up a new economic system

notice: it says a new economic system


In the Roman Catholic Church, God has people


we have no control over the interpretation of the scriptures, the scriptures interpret itself

it is not about a Church’s denomination, it is about the truth of God’s word


don’t be distracted by those who don’t have concerns about things like this and are carried away by their personal ambitions and worldly dreams


it is time for Pastors to notice this


Stop using the Church to satisfy your personal ambitions

it is time for the Church to be careful of those who make merchandise of the church, all they have ever cared about is their personal ambition


How do you know?

you can tell

such people easily get angry with the Pastor for not saying what they liked

they easily walk out of the Church


There are certain things that need to be straightened out in the Church of God and at the appointed time, I will share them with you as the Spirit of God gives me guidance


The God-Kind



[Reads 2nd May 2011 rhapsody of realities titled A Fraternity of the God-Kind]


2 Peter 1:4

the term epignosis is Hellenistic

you don’t find the term in epignosis

used 20 times in the writings of Paul

Peter referred to writings of Paul as scripture because he had come to agree with it that the term epignosis was a Christian word


epignosis is the higher form of epiginoceko

this is absolute knowledge that can only relate to God


verse 2

full, personal and correct knowledge that is epignosis

It is Hellenistic because the Greeks understood that only the ‘gods’ had all and accurate knowledge


verse 1

grace and peace be multiplied to you through the accurate, precise knowledge of God (Epignosis)


Romans 6:3-4

when you are born again, you are made new


Colossians 3:9-10

in epignosis, you are constantly renewed

2 Corinthians 4:16

your life is from grace to grace, faith to faith through epignosis


returns to 2 Peter 1:1-4

the reason you are partakers of the divine nature is because you are an associate of the God-Kind

We are also partakers of His material nature


1 Corinthians 6:15

your body is the body of Jesus

you are limbs of Jesus


the bread is the body of Christ, it is not a representation of His body

let us not try to substantiate it, He said it is, so it is

let us not try to ask how


Philippians 2:13

when I lay hands on the sick, God wants me to understand that He is the One at work in me


1 Corinthians 6:15-19

there will be less sickness in the Church if people will understand this reality

Proverbs 4:20

the word translated health is the Hebrew word ‘marpe’ which means medicine

if you will meditate on the word of God


God’s word is medicine to your flesh

it is better than vaccine or tablet or whatever


2 Corinthians 6:19

your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost

the Holy Ghost perambulates your body

and there is something about the Hoy Ghost when He takes control of your body


Ephesians 5:30

the Jesus that you don’t see here the Bible says He has body, flesh and bones

if someone wants to touch the body of Jesus, He is saying that is you, your body


1 Corinthians 12:27


Ephesians 3:14-19

colossians 1:19

when Jesus walked the Streets of Galilee, He was Adonai

He was the One that spoke to Abraham

He was Adonai in flesh


1 John 5:4

whatever is born of God overcomes the world because the One inside you is greater than he in the world; develop this consciousness


Colossians 3:3

you can’t kill a dead man

walk in the newness of life


we are made by words

we are the products of words

He calls you the epistles of Christ


Romans 8:17

John 17:22-26

Romans 8:28


how can you be at a disadvantage when you are in the God-class?

we ae the same stock


Colossians 1:27


Altar Call

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