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Service Notes

Sunday Service 10/10/2021

Topic: Sacrifice
Pastor Earnest Teaching

It's our month of Visualisation and we're talking on Sacrifice.

Have you taken the time to study for yourself what sacrifice is, or are you waiting for Pastor to tell you everything? Remember it's not a matter of being told, but of you hearing and doing what the word of God says.

It is true that everything we'll ever need in life is in His son. The bible said anyone that has the son has the life of God and the life of God is everything good. But there are times where we may have difficulty having clear or definite understanding of what we need to do to make some changes in our lives. God doesn't say I have already shown you so whatever to you is on you. No. He still comes in His love to guide us. That's what the Holy Spirit is there for. He is to teach us all things we need to know and empower us to put to work all that he shows to us and transport you to the place that is ordained for you. So it's us to you to believe and act on every word that he gives to you and you'll see your life transform.

God wants you to focus on the victory of Christ. If anything tries to convince you that you're still under the control of the world, reject it with all your heart. You are of God, you were born of God in Christ. So you are in Church to learn how to live that victorious life that Christ has given to you. You may be going through things, it's not because the devil is so powerful and is subjecting you to them. No. It's because you have not been able to know yet, the principle of God's word to apply in your life to put you over. Every word of God that you study, believe it and act on it.

Talking About Sacrifice
Last week we were looking at Sacrifice as performed in the old testament. We read that God expected them to bring animals to be sacrificed in atonement for sins. We know that such sacrifices were made because justice had demanded that without the shedding of blood there was no remission of sins. We also saw that there was a peace or fellowship offering. A sacrifice that God expected them to bring, that through the sacrifice God, the priest and the people would sit and eat together. Have fellowship together.

But in Christ, we see Him being a sin sacrifice and a peace sacrifice so there's no need for anyone today to offer any kind of burnt or blood offerings to God. But we're looking at giving of your possession to God as an offering in worship and recognition of his deity.

Malachi 1:1-2 (TLB)
Sometimes, you can be in a situation or see someone in a certain situation and you tell them God loves you, but they bring up all the "bad" things that happened in their life and proclaim that they don't see the love. This is the same as the Israelites were facing, they were overwhelmed by the challenges. But God was trying to steer their minds to the fact they He loves them and He is there for them. There are things that they were doing right which was why they were suffering but they didn't see such things. But in his infinite love he came to steer them into the right course so that things will start working together for their good again.

Malachi 1:2-5 (TLB)
We may see unbelievers prospering and wonder am I really serving the real God? It looks as though they are moving faster than I am moving; You are looking at the wrong thing. You are in the best place of life. Christ is the place of our inheritance, all that God is and all that God has. All that you need to do is find out what you should do to be in the place that God expects you to be to enjoy all the goodness that God has given to you.

Malachi 1:6-7
It looks as though they were not intentionally doing something that was wrong and were not aware they had veered off the course. They thought that they were still honouring God but God exposed to them their actions and intentions that were wrong and spiteful. You are giving something to Church and you think since it's Church anything is acceptable. It's not true. God doesn't like anything. You don't just bring anything to him.

Anytime you bring something to God, he looks at the value, at how it affects you the giver, because that's what determines how you value the one you're giving to. We're not measuring the value based on what other people give, but on the value to you as a person.

Everything we have God has given to us. We know how to praise him, we know how to speak in tongues, we know how to dance, but when it comes to taking something of value to give to God, we hold on to it. Not knowing what you are holding is preventing you from going to a better place.

Are you a part of what God is doing all around the world? Have you taken time off your busy schedule because you want to be part of what God is doing all around the world? The scriptures says that he that is faithful in little is faithful in much and also says that He gives more grace.

During the week Pastor (Rev. Dr. Chris) let us understand that God does not give anyone "more anointing", because the anointing comes with the Holy Spirit. So when the Holy Spirit comes into any man, he brings the fullness of God into that man. Which means all the treasures that God has, is deposited inside of you.

But God gives more grace, which was defined as the outworking of inner power. It's like having a reservoir of water, that can contain 1000 litres and another brother has the same capacity of reservoir. Depending on what you want to do at any point will determine how much you open up the reservoir. If you want to fill a cup or water a small field, you will not open it fully but if you have a large space to cover, you open it more.

That is the "more grace". We have all been given the fullness of God, but based on the responsibility God gives to you, he opens it a little bit. Until you learn to be faithful in that and start increasing, God is increasing the grace.

So what is your role in increasing the grace in your life? You have to set your mind and engage yourself in bigger things and the grace will expand by itself. In these last days it's time to offer your best and not hold back for the expansion of the church.

Malachi 1:11-15
You have made a vow but when it's time to pay the vow you say to yourself "God knows times are hard". God does not recognise that, because once you made the vow, He empowers you to honour the vow. The Bible says God is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that you ask or imagine according to the power at work inside of you. So whatever you are able to imagine, He knows you can do beyond it.

This can be seen in 2 ways:
1. It manifests in your life by what God does in your life.
2. It manifests by what you do for God.

So don't always be asking "God what have you done for me lately?" rather ask yourself "What have you done for Him lately?".



  • Next Sunday (17th October) we are going to have a sacrificial giving
  • 1st Quarter next year, we are doing 1 million copies of Rhapsody.

Altar Call

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