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Service Notes

Sunday Service 26/09/2021
Topic: Creation from the spirit
Pastor Earnest

In the month of October we'll be looking at "SACRIFICE".
What is it and what does God say about sacrifice. As God's children as christians what does it mean to us?

When we were looking at the spirit of God working with us, and also at prayer, we learnt that God has given us different keys to work with in the Kingdom. And it's our responsibility to use those keys to open the doors that He wants us to open.

For example, Prayer is a key, but until you know how to use the keys like Prayer, you could have the key but have a lot of doors that are not open. It's like somebody having a bunch of keys but banging on the door to open it.

So we'll be looking at the Key of Sacrifice, how we use Sacrifice to worship God, and what kind of Sacrifices God expects of us today.

On Wednesday we looked at visualisation and being able to see, build and establish victories in life. The bible says, faith has become our victory. As far as God is concerned, as long as we have the faith that he's given us, and learning to respond to his word, our victory is assured. For his word is given to us to overcome.

There are a lot of things in this world that will try to distract us from the path of victory that God has given to us. Both good and bad. So we need to ensure that we do not give in or allow terrible or good things to steer us away from focusing on the word of God.

Mark 5:25-34
The woman in the message had spent all she had, done all within her power. Sometimes, we face some problems that we can use money to solve and we give thanks to God that we had money to use. But sometimes, like in this woman's case, things just keep getting worse.

But SHE HEARD ABOUT JESUS, and that brought her hope and relief. That's why we need to give people the opportunity to hear about this healing power that is present with us today.

In her day, even the law was against her. She was considered "unclean" and anyone who related or shared contact with her was also "unclean". So she had to be quarantined, kept away from people. But we have to take the message to people like them.

No matter how the healing will come, they have to hear first, and the people that will make them hear are those of us who have heard already. So which means God has brought us to a place where we will have the power, ability, resources, everything we need to bring healing, freedom, joy, peace, to many. So YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE QUIET.

Remember that you are the messenger of God, the one God is sending to look for people and bring them. Because they need to hear to be healed.

Somebody might say, if God so loved the world why doesn't he just heal everyone at the same time? HE ALREADY HAS. THAT"S WHAT JESUS CAME TO DO. So, all that he expects everyone to do is to receive the healing, and they cannot receive it without hearing. Without being made to understand how they can receive. That's why You are important. Let's bring healing to our world. We have the word of life.

It's not our responsibility to find out what did the person do or what kind of person they are. Even if the person sinned, they did not sin against you. If God is willing to forgive and receive anyone at all, then we should not judge anyone and prevent the person from receiving the goodness of God.

Genesis 2:4-5
Notice that in chapter 1, God had created all things, but here, it says that there was no man, there was no plant or herb on the earth yet. So the question is, where were they if they had already been created?
God had actually created everything that he wanted, they existed in the spirit realm. But although they were not visible, he knew that there was a process to bring those things into tangibility.

God said, there needed to be rain for the seeds to grow. Which means the seeds were there all the time. God had already created man, but he had to form a body of this earth for man so they can function not in the spirit but on this earth.
But take note, the major thing is the creation, and creation happens in the spirit.

God wants you to be a creator. In a place of prayer, God can show you things he wants you to create.

A lot of people don't know how to bring their ideas into existence. The bible says no one knows the spirit of a man except the spirit that is in that man. How can someone help you to bring out your dreams when they don't know what you have inside of you. And no matter how much you try to explain, they may never be able to get it, because they are housed in your spirit and your spirit cannot have contact with theirs. So to make someone else understand them, you must be able to bring them out for them to see, interpret and receive it into their spirit - as much as they can carry.

For that to happen, there must be the element of tangibility. For it is only through the process of this physical world that you can transfer what you have in you to someone else. For instance speaking, or writing. And as someone hears you, some of what you're saying sinks into their spirit, and that's what stays permanently with them. Beyond that, what they carry out from their spirit to implement, is what will give the results that you talked about. So without them hearing you, they will never know what is in your spirit. Which means, you're the only one who has the ability and capability to bring out the fullness of the things in your spirit into tangibility.

You are all that you need to make a success of your life. Everything that you need is provided. All the earth, the water, the air, everything you require, is in existence. In a place of prayer, God will empower you to make use of them.


  • For the upcoming HEALING STREAMS in October (29th-31st), everyone of us is going to register a minimum of 300 people. Even if this target is not easy, it is worth doing.
  • In the month of October we'll be looking at "SACRIFICE".

Altar Call

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